MS-CIT is an Information Technology (IT) literacy course started by MKCL in the year 2001. It is the most popular IT Literacy course in Maharashtra. In 21st Century, most of the new actionable knowledge is being digitally born (often through digital collaborations), digitally stored, digitally presented, digitally distributed, digitally accessed, digitally archived and managed. It only seems natural that it has become an essential part of one’s personal, professional and social life. It has also transformed the way of living in 21st Century. MS-CIT attempts to propagate it through IT Awareness, Literacy, Functionality and Applicability among the common people with a view to bridge the Digital Divide and the resultant Knowledge Divide and Development Opportunity Divide. This surely makes a positive impact on one's job-readiness, social behavior and ultimately boosts the self-confidence, enabling him/her to work effectively in the 21st Century workplace.


  1. You should have a keen desire to learn Information Technology.
  2. You should have a keen desire to learn Information Technology.

Fees Structure for the year 2022

MS-CIT Fees at ALC Mode

For Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) Region:

Mode Total Fee (Rupees) 1st Installment
2nd Installment
Single Installment 4500/- 4500/- N/A
Two Installments 4700/- 2350/- 2350/-

Total fee is including of Course fees, Examination fees and Certification fees

Objective Topics Practical Topics
Internet, The Web and
Electronic Commerce
Windows 10
System Software MS-Word 2013 OR Open Writer
The System Unit MS-Excel 2013 OR Open Calc
Input and Output MS-PowerPoint 2013 OR
Open Impress
Secondary Storage WInternet Explorer 7.0 OR Mozilla
MS-Outlook 2013 OR Mozilla Mail


Topics for MS-CIT 2021 Final Examination

Examination Pattern
  1. Duration of Exam: 60 minutes (1 Hour)
  2. Total Questions: 50, Total Marks: 50
  3. Marks per Question : 1
  4. All the questions in the examination are divided into 3 levels.
    • Level 1 = Low difficulty level
    • Level 2 = Medium difficulty level
    • Level 3 = High difficulty level
    Level Difficulty Objective No. of questions
    Total Marks per question Maximum Marks
    1 Low 6 14 20 20
    2 Medium 6 14 20 1 20
    3 High 3 7 10 10
    TOTAL 15 35 50 50
  5. Exam Pattern: Level wise distribution of questions and Marks


Re-Exam fees: Rs. 355/-

Details MS-CIT@ALC Mode MS-CIT Online Mode
Extension If the student does not complete the course within the stipulated time or schedule,
he/ she will be sent to the next Exam Event
If the student does not complete the course within the stipulated time or schedule,
he/ she will have to re-enter
Re-Exam In case of failure / absence of first attempt of examination, such students will have to
pay re-examination fee for further examination and only two additional opportunities.
He / she will have to re-enter if he/ she fails
the first attempt of the exam